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St. Ives Paintings in their Infancy - Allan Storer
An Early History of the St. Ives Paintings School. In 1877 the Great Western Railway opens up the way for the hitherto unexplored St....

Welcome to Allan Storer Blog
St.Ives Paintings, London Art Classes and Painting Tips . Allan Storer is an abstract artist painting in London and Cornwall. His...

Overcome Artist Block, Expert Tips from Allan Storer Art
It does happen from Picasso to Beethoven that crucifying feeling of self doubt when the creative flow drys up and demotivation sets in....

On Day Three in my London painting class our artists are learning there are no mistakes on the canvas. When we mess up, we know what not...

London Painting Classes
Life is very stressful and fast, especially here in our capital city London. With very little time for ourselves life passes us by before...

Ambiguous Obliteration
Gesture is singular, highly subjective and can become a mere performance, unless of course the artist takes Gerhard Richter's stance and...

Abstract Squeegee Painting, Now what I want is Facts
Abstract Squeegee Painting Allan Storer says Mr Gradgrind, the hard-nosed, sharp-tongued Head Teacher in Charles Dickens' tenth novel,"...

The Captivating World of St. Ives Paintings
Its sweeping light and battered windswept coast caressed with a sub-tropical climate in the summer months is a famous factor having...

Diving into St Ives Paintings
Take a dive into the Vibrant World of St Ives Art! and embrace the Bold and Boundless Spirit of British Abstract Art as we Celebrate the...

JD Wetherspoons, The Hain Line, St Ives Opening 1st. May 2012
Allan Storer’s impressive painting “Thunderous Sea” Impacts First Floor Restaurant Space. Charles Aston. Press Release. Opening 1st. May...

Allan Storer Richter inspired, large abstract impasto paintings
It was refreshing, writes Allan Storer, to hear Nicholas Serota, Director of the Tate Art Galleries, speaking at the launch of the Tate’s...

Interview: Required Viewing, Allan Storer; Squeegees and Abstracts
Storer attacks the colour’s space dragging the colour this way and that. At first it looks like an amateurish mess, then he transforms...

Allan Storer, Alternative View: Gregg E Rodriguez Interview
Unlike many artist’s I’ve interviewed Allan Storer can see no difficulty where artistic integrity may be compromised with the gap...

Aesthetica Magazine: Insight into the Work of Allan Storer MA.
Allan Storer MA paints large abstract canvases for architects, interior designers and private clients. His influences include 20th....

Colourful Abstract Paintings
“Now all I want is facts”, says Mr. Gradgrind the hardnosed, sharp tongued head teacher in Charles Dickens’ tenth novel, “Hard Times”. I...

Seeds of Abstraction, St. Ives Art by Allan Storer MA.
The traditional view of the art in St Ives tends to focus on its landscape and nature as a source of inspiration. Its sweeping light and...

Artist Interview with Allan Storer; Wimbledon Art Fair
Hi Allan, so tell us about your inspiration? My prime motivation is Abstract Expressionism; 20th.C. Modernists Rothko and Neumann are...
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